LPC vs Cortex - Which Microcontroller Has Better Memory Management?

July 20, 2021

LPC vs. Cortex - Which Microcontroller Has Better Memory Management?

Microcontrollers play an essential role in the world of embedded systems. They are responsible for executing real-time operations with precise timings and limited resources. Memory management is a crucial aspect of any microcontroller, as it can directly impact the performance and reliability of the system. In this post, we will be comparing two popular microcontrollers, LPC and Cortex, to determine which one has better memory management.

LPC Microcontroller

LPC (Low Power Components) is a series of 32-bit ARM-based microcontrollers produced by NXP Semiconductors. The LPC microcontroller series is designed for low power consumption and high-performing operations.

In terms of memory management, LPC microcontrollers have a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) that enables the creation of fixed and flexible memory regions to protect the system from unauthorized access. The MPU can be programmed to divide the memory into multiple regions and assign access permissions to each region. Additionally, LPC microcontrollers have the Embedded Flash File System (EFFS) that provides an efficient way to store and retrieve data from the flash memory.

Cortex Microcontroller

Cortex is a series of 32-bit and 64-bit RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) microcontrollers designed by ARM Holdings. Cortex microcontrollers are highly customizable and versatile, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

When it comes to memory management, Cortex microcontrollers have a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) that is similar to the LPC microcontrollers. The MPU provides configurable memory protection and access permissions for the system's memory regions. Moreover, Cortex microcontrollers have a Memory Management Unit (MMU) that enables virtual memory management, facilitating the handling of large amounts of data.


Both LPC and Cortex microcontrollers have similar Memory Protection Units (MPUs) that provide configurable memory protection and access permissions. The LPC microcontrollers offer the Embedded Flash File System (EFFS), which can improve the efficiency of storing and retrieving data from flash memory.

On the other hand, Cortex microcontrollers have the Memory Management Unit (MMU) that can handle large amounts of data by enabling virtual memory management. This feature is beneficial when dealing with complex applications that require dynamic memory allocation.

In terms of memory size, the LPC microcontrollers support up to 512 KB of flash memory, whereas the Cortex microcontrollers can support up to several megabytes of flash memory, depending on the model.


In conclusion, both LPC and Cortex microcontrollers provide excellent memory management capabilities. LPC microcontrollers are designed for low-power operations, and Cortex microcontrollers are highly customizable for a vast range of applications. Choosing which one is better depends on the specific requirements of the project. LPC microcontrollers are suitable for small-scale applications, while Cortex microcontrollers are more suitable for complex applications that require dynamic memory allocation.

We hope this comparison has been helpful for anyone looking to select the best microcontroller for their project. Remember to consider your specific needs carefully when making a choice.


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